Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Submissive life as the weather turns

Well first of all I want to apologize a bit. First with things being so busy I have not had time to blog as much as I would like. But just as importantly I want to apologize to those people whose blogs I read consistently. I feel bad not keeping up on what is going one with everyone.

With the weather warming Mistress decided our first outdoor golf day was in order. Not a moment too soon I might add. Also finished installing a new bar in our rec room. Complete with a display cabinet for shot glasses. All custom made with Solid surface bar top. Mistress is very happy with the results.

Now that is done I can concentrate on more submissive things. Like raking leaves and continually adjusting my panties that aren't staying up correctly. One thing I have to admit, when the weather turns nicer choosing panties has a different approach. For one thing certain panties ride different. So if you are golfing and wearing a pair that doesn't keep things in so well there could be issues. Or the ones that don't stay up so well due to the lack of proper shape they were made for. Luckily Mistress allows me to choose which ones I wish to wear each day. However when she is in one of those moods she may purposely make me change them to a pair that she knows will give me trouble. She absolutely loves to ask me why I am continually adjusting things while we are golfing. Knowing darn well that she caused it all by making me wear a certain pair of panties. She then will always take the opportunity that she may choose to not wear a pair because she has that right and option while I don't.

It's just part of the fun we have and her way of flaunting her authority.

Thank god she enjoys that almost as much as I do.

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