Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Last night I had a dream.

I am wearing a skimpy maids outfit with heels and the rest of the ensemble. The reason I am wearing it is because Mistress had some people over to do some work stuff and they needed a maid to attend to their needs.

At one point I am in the kitchen and she calls me, of course I stop what I am doing and come to her. Instead of giving me a command to get something she proceeds to tell the girls (yes they are all girls) that I have been working out and she shows them the results, getting them to feel my six pack. (What a laugh that is, I wouldn't say I am completely out of shape but far from a six pack) She even has me bend over and expose my ass so she can show my legs and tush. I am completely humiliated by the whole thing but quietly obey her.

When she is done she smacks my ass and says, "Ok, Bitch, back to work." And goes back to her group to talk about work.

The dream ends there. But the biggest thing isn't the dream, it's the day dreams caused by it. Driving to work I couldn't stop thinking about it, adding to it, changing it, reliving it. I got to work and every time I stop for a minute the day dream starts again.

I know most would think the dream is stupid and wonder why something like that would even excite me so I am not asking if anyone has had a dream like this. But what I wonder does anyone have an experience where they have a dream and it carries on into your daytime thoughts and even grows with the passing of time instead of fading like most dreams do?

Maybe I am on a island here, but I wish I was serving my Mistress on that island wearing that maids outfit and getting my ass slapped.

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