Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Winter blahs and submissiveness

I think part of being submissive and enjoying service is about being happy in general terms.

A couple weeks back I wrote about what kills your submissive desires. Stress, crisis, orgasms etc.

I think the winter blahs are a indirect cause also. Maybe not directly but I believe it's hard to be submissive when the world just seems gray and cold. I guess for me submissiveness is related to my happiness. It makes me happy to be submissive and when I am happy my submissiveness is most prevalent.

So this morning Mistress tells me (via text) she is out of pantyhose for work, I apologized to her and her response was, "It's ok, no biggee."

She then came back with, "I think this weather is putting us both off kilter."

Usually I don't forget to have her stocked up on the things she needs and usually it isn't ok when I do forget to do something like that.

It's a good day to throw the weather bullshit in the garbage, get over and above the cold and crappy weather outside the window and start acting like I want to and how I need to.

Not just to make her happy but to make me happy. I need to use my submissiveness as a tool to get myself in a better frame of mind as these last few weeks (or months....) of winter pass. Not only will it do me good but it will also elevate Mistress as well.

As the sub I am not in charge but I do have the ability to control things a bit by just being positive, being happy and the best way for me to do that is to embrace my submissiveness and resist that temptation to be lazy.

Laziness zaps everything positive out of me. It always has. I know it...and it's a perfect day to change it.

Starting right this second.


  1. Cagedmonkey doors this - he uses his submissiveness to get himself out of the blahs. It's not a bad idea to dive in to what you both know you normally love! Sometimes a good D/s session helps as well! :)

    Good luck getting back!

  2. SOS, I hear you. Having lived near Buffalo I know the feeling of an endless winter. But, and I mean this seriously, it is all about perspective. Getting tired of the cold or sick of seeing snow is a mindset based on the premise that your brain has pre-determined when the cold should end or when you've had enough snow. If you embrace the cold. If you want to relish it and accept it, then you will have a change of heart. For example, last night it was cold here. Katie and I pulled up line dances on youtube, put them on the TV and had fun doing the electric slide and the cupid shuffle. Now I'm terrible at it so it made that time all the more fun. There is lots you could do. Just don't live your life around the weather. Think of the poor souls in International Falls MN. Now that is a bummer. Hang in there.

  3. I wouldn't say the cold bothers me as much, but being from the South our winters aren't really that bad. It is the gray days of February that get to me. I really need to see some sunlight to perk me up and recharge my batteries. So I understand.

  4. I think some of it is mind over matter. But living in the north east where we've been in a deep freeze longer this winter than any I can recall I sympathize as honestly this brutal cold is getting to me too. Combine that with the fact I work in a basement and get virtually no sunlight lol. I feel cold to my bones this winter. I dont handle extreme heat or cold well.
