Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weather....Under it and Over it.

Dear blog, I am sorry for not writing in you the last couple of days but I have been under the weather. Still not feeling my best but good enough to not let being sick get in the way of life.

Funny when not feeling good how Mistress turns into authority figure to doing whatever she can to make me feel better. I guess that is the best part of being in a relationship like ours. No matter how much she and I both enjoy her being in charge and flaunting that authority. Love and taking care of each other is still the most important thing.

I guess we should clarify one thing, even when I am sick and lying on the couch watching figure skating...and if you knew me you would know that figure skating isn't exactly my favorite thing to watch. Scratch that last statement, I do like to watch skating but I prefer when the skaters are missing teeth, are carrying sticks and using them to propel a piece of frozen rubber at a goal with some poor person (guy or girl) actually trying to put their body in front of the frozen rubber travelling at sometimes 100 mph. Now that is a sport. And if you haven't figured out what sport it is then there is probably no use explaining further.

Ok back to the point of what I am clarifying. Even when sick, Mistress is still very much in charge, although obedience might involve staying on the couch and allowing her to make soup it is still obedience.

If one studies our FLR (and most others I assume) it wouldn't take much to figure out that the Leader of the household sometimes will do what is needed to keep her sub healthy and happy. My Mistress did a wonderful job of taking care of me the last few days and I am now ready to be back in my proper position...on my knees and at her feet. Ah, life is good.

And to complete the explanation of the title of todays post, Weather, under it and over it. I was under the weather and now I am so far over the crappy weather we have had for the last 2 months I am anxiously awaiting something that seems it will never show....SPRING.

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